July 01, 2021

The holidays are over, how to get back into your daily rhythm?

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Holidays over, how to get back into the rhythm?

It's over again, that beautiful summer... Or well, the summer holidays then. You probably enjoyed a wonderful, well-deserved holiday at home or abroad. Or you used your days off to do odd jobs in and around the house. Either way, it is always difficult to turn that switch back to 'normal life'. We would like to help you get back into the rhythm with some tips.

Biological clock

One of the first noticeable consequences of the summer holidays is that your biological clock is disrupted. You probably got used to less sleep because of the long, hot summer days. Especially when you have been sitting in the garden or on a terrace late into the evening. Now that you have to go back to work and your biological clock is disrupted, you are more likely to, feel hungry, tired and lethargic earlier.

To reset your biological clock, it is advisable to pick up your sleep rhythm again. Go to bed at set times and try to get up at the same time every day. Having trouble getting up? Then start your day with music you enjoy waking up to!

A tidy house creates peace in your mind

Despite having had plenty of time to keep up with household chores, we all understand that you might be a bit remiss in doing so during the holidays. A messy house often makes your mind busy, which in turn results in fatigue. Time for a big clean-up, then! You will soon feel productive and once the house is tidy, you will feel a sense of accomplishment.

Get back into the routine

Surely the way to get back into the rhythm is to pick up your old routines. Go to bed on time, eat at regular times and exercise or walk a few times a week. It seems very obvious, but it really works. Try to keep this up for a fortnight and you will find that you get back into a nice rhythm. You will soon start to feel more energetic.